Fill’er Up: Lip Fillers at MH Clinic, Seoul with Eunogo

Seoul is the mecca of Korean beauty products.  There are tons of amazing cosmetics with boldly pigmented, long-lasting colours in adorable packaging.  In Korea you can find sheet masks with every bizarre essence or oil humans have dared apply to their skin.  Koreans are known to have exceptionally rigorous skin care regimes in the morning and before going to sleep.  Korea, and Sinsa in particular, is known to have the best plastic surgeons in the world.  Plastic surgery and cosmetic enhancements are as common as colonics have come to be in the West.  I was congratulated by my Korean colleagues the first time I got botox, so when Eunogo approached me about partnering I considered Lip Fillers.  

** Scroll all the way to the bottom for promo code + details! **

How Does Eunogo Work?

Eunogo is an award-winning medical tourism concierge service dedicated to foreigners in or traveling to Korea.  They are licensed by the Korea Ministry of Health, only work with the best certified doctors, and they personalize your experience at no extra cost.  Actually, you’ll often get services at a reduced rate as clinics open up to the foreigner market.  First, you’ll be assigned a personal co-ordinator responsible for handling any requests or questions you may have.  One-on-one consultations can take place with multi-lingual medical co-ordinators fluent in Korean, English, Mandarin, and Bahasa.  Your co-ordinator is responsible for pick-up arrangement to recovery care, and every detail in between.

That Girl Cartier Lip Fillers with Eunogo Medical Tourism Seoul Korea Lip Injections Review MH Clinic Apgujeong

Why Lip Fillers?

I’ve been asked a few times why I would ever consider getting lip fillers or lip injections in Seoul.  When I was 8 or 9 I was playing soccer and a wasp found its way into my juice.  I took a big gulp right as I was getting off of the field and the wasp stung my lip. Once I recovered from my fat lip, I noticed my right upper lip was a little droopy.  Looks like it had been depressed permanently.   

McDonald’s French Fry Lips

Years later, I was on a date and the guy thought it would be cute to ask me to kiss him with my “sweet little McDonald’s Frency fry lips”.  I nearly threw up right then and there.  Needless to say I didn’t see him again, but years later I can still hear his neg ringing in my ears.  I’m generally pretty secure in my looks, but feel I can always upgrade and refresh!  Turning 30 in August certainly makes me want to take care of myself more.  I’m tuning into ways I can feel happier and more confident.  Why not get this little lip filler issue fixed while living in the beauty capital of the world?

That Girl Cartier's Cosmetic Surgery Lip Fillers Review MH Clinic Review Eunogo Apgujeong Sinsa Seoul Korea Lip Injections

After Work Lip Fillers at MH Clinic (MH 크리닉) with Eunogo

There are a variety of different kinds of lip fillers and lip injections in Korea.  I went for the basic package as I didn’t want a full Kylie Jenner overboard look.  For more information on the types of lip fillers available with Eunogo, visit their site!

MH Clinic is located near ritzy Apgujeong Rodeo and situated directly above a Rolls Royce dealership.  When I arrived at the clinic, I was ushered in and invited to take a seat with my personal co-ordinator, Joy Kang.  Ms. Kang is the Co-Founder and CEO of Eunogo, and could not have made my experience more personal or relaxed.  When you’re about to get needles to your face, it’s nice to have someone who is very attentive, but also keeps her composure completely.  I felt at ease in her care.

Once we were settled, we filled out the paperwork together.  Joy made sure to go through each line-item thoroughly so that I understood everything and, more importantly, the Doctor would understand me.  Once the (fairly standard) paperwork was complete, we had a meeting with a very professional, friendly, and beautiful consultant at the clinic.  She actually held my hand once the procedure began!  We discussed the steps clearly and ensured that I was ready and a good candidate for lip fillers.

The images above are so that you can see some more natural lip filler “before” pictures.  As you can see, I had a pretty mixed bag of emotions as the preparations, procedure, and down time were explained!  

That Girl Cartier's Cosmetic Surgery Lip Fillers Review MH Clinic Review Eunogo Apgujeong Sinsa Seoul Korea Lip Injections
After the consultation, we went up to the 4th floor.  They removed my make-up and took some “before” pictures.  It’s nice to have some pictures directly before and after lip fillers, but the before pictures do look like mugshots! 
That Girl Cartier's Cosmetic Surgery Lip Fillers Review MH Clinic Review Eunogo Apgujeong Sinsa Seoul Korea Lip Injections
Before my lip fillers procedure I was also given 2 booster shots as I have sensitive skin with a sensitivity to metal.
The clinician applied numbing cream to my lips.  It had to sit covered in plastic for 30 minutes before we would be able to proceed.  My lips felt like they were bubbling (around the 30 minute mark I started to feel some heat).  It was really weird to have plastic wrap on my lips.  I wondered what I would do for the next 30 minutes when I was told I’d be getting a hydrating facial, as well.  Bonus!  Once that was applied, I actually fell asleep for a while.
While my Doctor spoke English, she wanted to convey everything very clearly in Korean to Joy, who then translated to me.  I understood some of what the staff were saying, but would have been helpless without Eunogo.  The Doctor explained that, for lips, the top to bottom ratio should be 1 to 1.5.  Mine were 1 to almost 2, so my “French Fry Lips” nickname may actually have been well-earned.
I had many thoughts before the procedure actually began.  The Doctor wanted to know if I had any celebrity aim-to-look-alikes.  I completely drew a blank and told her I wanted a natural enhancement.  I also didn’t want to my lip fillers look like Kylie Jenner or a Real Housewife after lip injections!
The actual procedure did hurt quite a bit eventually.  The first 3 needles were nothing – very easy.  The top hurt much more than the bottom.  I had a plush toy and someone to hold my hand.  I think I was more nervous than I needed to be in all honesty and it made the pain worse cause I was tense. Even though I got the basic lip fillers (1 cc of Restylane Vital – the smallest particle for lip fillers) there were still about 16 (maybe more) injections overall.
As you can see, the difference is pretty significant!  I think the results still appear natural, but my lower lip is a tad more plump.  My upper lips have the definition and fullness I wanted to achieve from lip fillers.  After the procedure I felt tired, my stomach hurt, and I wondered how it was possible for people to get this on their lunch break.  I took a taxi home and upon arrival couldn’t figure out if I was ravenous or nauseated.  I couldn’t eat or drink for 2 hours after my procedure, so I settled in for a little Rn’R.  The next morning I felt extremely tired.  I had some mild bruising which became more pronounced by evening.  They looked very even and smooth already even though they still felt a bit lumpy.  I felt kind of like I was a toddler or a puppy growing into these new lips.
That Girl Cartier's Cosmetic Surgery Lip Fillers Review MH Clinic Review Eunogo Apgujeong Sinsa Seoul Korea Lip Injections
Still bruised but now also a little chapped.  Guess my lips are healing from the injection points?
By day 3 my lips felt much more full in certain areas, but not unnaturally so.  My face appears thinner (to myself and others) post lip fillers.  The men at work asked if I did something to make my face “glowier”.  By day 4 I felt like I had fully recovered, save for a bit of dryness.  I like that my cupid’s bow is more even and defined.  My upper and lower lip now have a sense of symetry.  I can’t imagine anyone will refer to mine as “French Fry lips” ever again!

Contact Eunogo

#04-14 51 Cuppage Road, Singapore

408 Open Square D, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea  |  Tel: +65 8522 4529 (SG)  |  KakaoTalk: eunogo

Thanks so much again to Eunogo (@euno.go) and MH Clinic (@mhskin) for making me look as young as my maturity level!  While this article has been written in partnership, all reviews are honest and opinions are my own.
Lip Filler - Eunogo Shop


Get an additional US$10 OFF all lip filler programs (already discounted through Eunogo)!  In the Eunogo Shop, input : thatgirlcartier (limited to one use per customer, promo-code valid until August 31 2017 [purchase by August 31 but you can do the procedure after August 31]).  

Eastasy: Whoo Spa & O Hui Skincare

Whoo Spa dominates the VVIP service (K-Pop/ K-Drama Stars) space in Korea as they use the latest technology and have an exclusive, tucked away location...My experience at Whoo Spa O Hui Sinsa Seoul via Eastacy ICE therapy, refresh care, aromatherapy, massage, and facial

I was recently invited to Whoo Spa in ritzy Sinsa right across the street from Garosugil by a company called Eastasy.  They partner with brands and experiences across Asia and offer massive discounts.  After a whirlwind weekend in Taipei, I was definitely due for a massage.  The experience I had at Whoo Spa was very thorough, as is my breakdown!  Leave any questions in the comments and I’ll get back to you shortly…

My "after" picture from my experience at Whoo Spa with Eastasy
Fresh-faced with just a little mascara and lip balm the day after my Refresh Care experience at Whoo Spa in Sinsa (Seoul, Korea) via Eastasy.

Whoo Spa Atmosphere

Whoo Spa (formerly O Hui Spa) in Sinsa dominates the VVIP spa service space in Korea.  They are very popular because they use the most up to date technology to stay current for their clients.  They have a variety of K-Pop Stars and famous American and Korean actors (Kim Tae-Hee and Shin Min-A use O Hui) who visit due to the great service and tucked away location.  They also sell a vast array of high-quality, exceptional skincare products made from South Korean natural medicinal herbs, from luxurious brands such as O HUI, Whoo, and SU:M 37Clients get 25% off products the same day as their service.  Make sure to check out Eastasy for a wicked deal on packages!

The Whoo Spa Treatments

I opted for the Aroma Resfresh Care package (100 minutes).  This package includes a basic facial accompanied by an aromatherapy body massage.  The facial was anything but basic!  It started with a soft, peeling cleansing.  Then, was followed by an exfoliating, deep cleansing, bubbling facial.  I got a face slimming massage, too, which included a decolletage massage.


I was upgraded to the ICE care, which is good for brightening and moisturizing.  This is very similar to a Vitamin C procedure I’ve had previously.  They also offer hot care (for anti-aging), pore tightening, and aqua peeling (generally for patients with acne).  Once my ICE treatment was over, a facial ampoule and an essence was applied, then secured with a molding facial mask pack.  After that, there was revitalizing care before I went on my way.  My back and shoulders were massaged using products from the Gongjinhyang line.  It containes ingredients such as ginseng and cordyceps (a popular fungus used in ancient Chinese medicine).  Throughout the majority of the facial, they places electronic leg and foot boots on and I was treated to a full body experience for the entire two hours.

Personal Preferences

Usually I’m pretty tense when I go for a massage.  I work out quite a bit and lift heavy weights (and all kinds of children daily!).  When I was in Thailand I found that when I asked for medium pressure it just wasn’t enough to get the knots out.  On my questionnaire I still put medium, but the pressure was a lot stronger than I expected.  My masseuse was not shy at all, and whenever she neared my lower back or decolletage I could tell there was certainly no modesty in this treatment.  I would have preferred not to be on a plastic sheet, but I totally understand their hygenic needs.

Whoo Spa dominates the VVIP service (K-Pop/ K-Drama Stars) space in Korea as they use the latest technology and have an exclusive, tucked away location...

Whoo Spa Seoul Massage

There were several areas of my body that could have used very strong pressure: my calves, ankles, and lower back.  I felt like she kind of skimmed those areas focusing primarily on the upper back, middle back, shoulders, and traps.  They needed a lot of attention, but I was much more sensitive in those areas.  I also got a hand massage.  I didn’t realise that I needed one, but it was heaven!

Whoo Spa Seoul Aromatherapy

The aromatherapy aspect of the treatment is not what I expected, and I was glad.  Usually the scents are fairly strong and irritate my allergies.  The earthy, yet still sweet smells were pretty mild.  I got whiffs of honey, lemon, and oaky notes.  If you’ve read my Vineworks Korea article you’ll notice my nose isn’t always spot on, but these pleasant fragrances were neither sickly sweet, nor heavy on the Chinese medicine.  I would likely use them at home, too.

My masseuse used plenty of warm towels (bordering on hot) at the beginning and end of the treatment.  I always want to roll around in warm laundry fresh out of the dryer (I miss dryers living in Korea!) so they felt amazing.  They were also the perfect way to get any remaining oils off before changing and heading home.


Whoo (后) SPA (후(后)스파)

Whoo Spa Seoul Facial

My facial was longer than I expected because of the facial massage and surprise upgrade (thank you!).  In terms of the steps, they were pretty similar to what I’ve experienced in the past.  My bubbling, cleansing facial was very effective, however it wasn’t as itchy as I normally find they can be.  I normally have to stay very still or risk 15 minutes of agony wanting to scratch my face.  This was fine.  The ICE facial was a lot colder than I expected.  They placed a cream on my face.  They then pressed a flat, cold, metal plate in circular motions across my whole face.  At some points I questioned the necessity of the low temperature.  They told me this particular one was good for moisture.  They recommended it to me as apparently my skin is quite dry and sensitive.

Image result for su:m37 white award sheet mask

Whoo Spa Aftercare

After my 2 hour treatment whizzed by (I totally fell asleep throughout the molding facial), I was taken to a reception area where tea and a small pastry was waiting for me.  The Whoo Spa manager explained that it was very important to rehydrate the skin within a couple of days.  She presented me with 2 samples of Su:m37 ampoule, and a sheet mask from their “white awards” brightening series.

Directions to Whoo Spa (formerly O Hui Spa)

The Spa itself is tucked away across from Hak-dong Park.  It took me a little while to find, so allow yourself plenty of time if you’re not taking a taxi.  They’re open 10:00am-10:00pm, Monday to Sunday.

From Sinsa Station (Seoul Subway Line 3)

Take Exit 1.  Walk straight and turn right before you reach Yeongdong Tourist Hotel.
Continue walking and look for the spa on your left.

From Hak-dong Station (Seoul Subway Line 7) 

Take Exit 6 Walk straight and turn right on the second street.
Continue swalking straight and you’ll find the spa on your right-hand side.

Displaying 외부사진.jpeg

Big thanks to Eastasy for inviting me to relax my body and revive my skin at Whoo Spa in Sinsa, Seoul, Korea.  This article is in partnership with Eastasy, but all opinions shared with regards to Whoo Spa are my own.  Explore Asia through Eastasy: click here for all kinds of deals on experiences and accomodations in Korea and beyond!

Skinfood Cafe Seoul

SkinFood Cafe Seoul

SkinFood has quickly become a favourite brand of mine lately.  The quality of the products paired with their subtle, fun scents, adorable packaging, and affordable price range has got my collection growing quickly.  Imagine my surprise to have found the SkinFood Cafe Seoul!


According to SkinFood, it “is the first cosmetic brand to root itself in food.  (Their) food philosophy drives (their) product development to ensure that only the highest quality food ingredients are used to create a more beautiful, healthier lifestyle.”  I’ve used products with avocado, tomato, apple, vanilla, and even salmon of all things!  If you’ve seen my 4 Minute makeup routine you’ll recognize a few of those products.  “Food components (like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants) deliver targeted nourishment and care. The key to maximizing beauty can be found in the food around us.”


The decor of the cafe is just like their skincare and cosmetics shops.  There’s bright yellow everywhere!  They have tons of books and motivational quotations framed and selectively placed.  There’s a variety of seating options for the individual guest, group of diners, or cute couple.  There was an adorable couple snacking away sitting on the couch near the photo opp area.  This is a super sweet date spot if you’re looking for all things cutesy without making him uncomfortable.


The SkinFood Cafe Seoul is, of course, part of the SkinFood cosmetics and skin care brand.  Their attitude towards food isn’t just part of the branding, it’s their core belief.

“Nutritive, wholesome food has the power and the ability to keep skin radiantly beautiful.
SKINFOOD is always searching for the best ingredients to utilize in product development.

The SKINFOOD initiative for the best food ingredients is a journey across the world.
Method matters. As a result, SKINFOOD upholds eco-friendly and
sustainable growing methods as a pillar to our philosophy.
We meet with farmers across the country to ensure that the best food is grown under the best methods.
The journey to discover the best food never ends.
Come with SKINFOOD and discover how food can transform beauty.”

According to the SkinFood Cafe Seoul, “You are what you eat.” and “Healthy skin starts with food.”  I ordered what I remember being named something like the Yummy Yummy Platter which was KRW 12,000 (about $12 Canadian, $10 USD).  There were three slices of baguette.  One was topped with half an avocado, some cherry tomatoes, and parmesan cheese.  Another was topped with grainy mustard pulled chicken and topped with parmesan and a little bit of honey.  Another was topped with rich, clotted cream, blueberries, and mint sprigs.  The baguette was a little crusty and stale, but the toppings were full of flavour.  You can’t go wrong with half an avocado in any meal in my opinion!  The two slider buns were topped with iceberg lettuce, ham, and a Kraft single.  This is a poor girl’s afternoon tea, and I loved it!

Even the bathrooms at the SkinFood Cafe Seoul are cute, clean, and full of SkinFood soaps and lotions to sample before heading on your way!

Go check out the SkinFood Cafe Seoul!  The chic Garosugil area of Apgujeong in Seoul is the perfect place to spend a sunny day, so why not pop into this adorable little cafe?