Accidental Korean Beauty Blogger // Seoul Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Accidental Korean Beauty Blogger Seoul Korea That Girl Cartier bathroom sink faucet tap water backsplash tiles soap toothpaste
Photographer: Dan Watson

I’ve always been a bit of a wash n’ wear kind of girl.  The kind of girl who used to take her makeup off with just soap and water.  I tried a day and night moisturizing combo back in 3rd year university.  The cost-benefit analysis of it all became too much.  In Canada, my options were high-end department store brands or questionable drug store brands.  Why buy a daily AND a nightly moisturizer when they ultimately did the same thing, right?  By the time I was 25, the only time I took care of my skin was when I was gifted product at a fashion show or marketing event.  Before moving to Seoul, I think I had used a sheet mask once or twice in my life – including the time I had spent in Busan, South Korea!  I definitely didn’t think I’d ever brand myself as a Korean Beauty Blogger.

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The Insta – Korean Beauty Blogger

Nobody seems to have the time to do anything.  I feel like I’m busier than I’ve ever been in my life!  Everything has to be fast and direct, which makes the new trend of “Insta-blogging” pretty simple and successful.  I own and operate @TorontoSeoulcialite &, but ThatGirlCartier was just my personal instagram until I bought this domain in December 2016.  I always shared my life in Korea, but wanted to differentiate the two accounts further.  An old friend suggested I become a Korean Beauty Blogger even though I hadn’t a clue about pH levels, ingredients, or benefits.  Usually, sharing favourite products through insta-stories and snap chat stories is far more successful than posting a photo.  Adding short reviews to my captions was, however, a great way to explore writing about Korean Beauty products.  Cosmetics and Skin Care are more accessible in Korea than your next cup of coffee.  The K-Beauty industry has a ton of opportunity, and competition.

Seoul Korea Botox Fillers Eunogo MH Clinic Ruby Plastic Surgery MVP Clinic VIP Plastic Surgery Whoo Spa Sinsa Facial
Photo @ Ruby Plastic Surgery c/o @SkinfullofSeoul

The Accidental Korean Beauty Blogger Does Get Botox

Just over a year ago I braved needles for botox.  Since then, I’ve managed the upkeep with significantly fewer shots (maybe 3 per eye?) at 6 or 7 month intervals.  This means I’ve now had botox to reduce the significance of my crows’ feet three times.  The second time I went, my doctor used a much, much smaller needle.  I was prepared for agony, but there was actually hardly any pain.  This past Thursday, my friends at Eunogo invited me to an information session and demonstration of fillers and botox as part of their Korean Beauty Blogger team.  Before coming to Korea, I thought botox and fillers were just for frozen-faced Real Housewives.  Now that I’ve had botox, I realize starting at almost 29 was pretty much the perfect time to prevent deeper creases.  Was I judgmental at first?  Sure.  Having had botox doesn’t make a significant difference to my appearance, but it sure helps boost my confidence!

Seoul Korea Botox Fillers Eunogo MH Clinic Ruby Plastic Surgery MVP Clinic VIP Plastic Surgery Whoo Spa Sinsa Facial
Photo: Robert Evans

What Other Treatments?

As an accidental Korean Beauty Blogger, I always get asked what treatments I’ve had done and what I would recommend.  I am always honest about my experiences and would never recommend you go to a clinic just because they’ve invited me to try their services.  The links that follow each have a partnership disclosure.  I have not been paid for reviews.  If you have any questions about any of the clinics I encourage you to leave a comment, contact me on Facebook, or shoot me an email (!  I’ve had people in the past tell me they would die before getting a cosmetic enhancement (some by other Korean Beauty Blogger types!).  I’ve had past boyfriends tell me that botox or cosmetic/ plastic surgery is just deception.  I think in some ways it can be, but by getting botox I’m not getting a new face, I’ve simply maintaining the one I already have.  Let’s keep in mind these are the men who told me wearing makeup was a lie.  Please… the next time you see someone with naturally glittery gold eyelids I BEG you to give me a call!  The following treatments have been in partnership.

Seoul Korea Botox Fillers Eunogo MH Clinic Ruby Plastic Surgery MVP Clinic VIP Plastic Surgery Whoo Spa Sinsa Facial
Photo: Robert Evans

Vitamin C Facial – VIP Plastic Surgery Clinic c/o Seoul Cosmetic Surgery

VIP Plastic Surgery has created a proprietary line of skin care items including a sheet mask based on elements of this facial.  The idea of using a cold ultrasound hammer for the facial is to “produce ultrasonic wave to adjust main and collateral channels and regulate blood circulation to flow circularly in order to reach the best status of the facial tissues.”  It combines the effect of ultrasound capillaries with the skill of ancient massage therapy.  “It could enhance immune function in lymphoid tissues so as to achieve vitality and flexibility of facial skin.”  I’m not sure if the cold hammer did anything extra for me, but the various essences, ampoules, and creams involved made my skin feel incredibly soft and smooth!

Botox (Crows’ Feet and Forehead) – VIP Plastic Surgery Clinic c/o Seoul Cosmetic Surgery

My first botox experience was a little intense.  They went WAY overboard on my forehead, and I was left with massive bruising and hard bump under one of my eyes.  The second time I went in they used a way smaller needle and only a couple of shots for my crows’ feet.  It was a lot easier and I was in and out quickly.  The deep creases I had beside my eyes are completely gone and I feel like myself again!

IPL Photofacial – VIP Plastic Surgery Clinic c/o Seoul Cosmetic Surgery

I had tried the IPL Photofacial in Toronto and found it hurt quite a bit (read on for a similar experience with MVP Clinic).  At VIP Plastic Surgery, my IPL didn’t hurt at all.  The experience was very different as instead of using a device with a lazer to attack small parts of the dermis, the device felt  was almost like getting your school picture taken.  It didn’t hurt at all!  Click the link to see my results.

That Girl Cartier Lip Fillers Lip Injections Seoul Korea MH Clinic Eunogo 입술필러 전

Lip Fillers – MH Clinic c/o Eunogo

Here are my before and after pictures from my experience at MH Clinic in Cheongdam.  As you can see, my lip fillers weren’t huge, but I did get a defined cupid’s bow and a glossy, puffed up finish.  It was such an easy process with Joy from Eunogo helping me every step of the way from filling out my paperwork to getting me into a taxi home!  Getting lip fillers was really painful, but the results are definitely worth it!

Clatuu 360 – MVP Plastic Surgery – Groove Magazine (click here for the full article!)

I went through the process of becoming an actual human popsicle for an article in Groove Korea Magazine.  For 30 minutes, the area which had been blown up for my appendectomy back in 2014 was frozen to – 9 degrees celsius.  Within a few days I noticed a flatter lower stomach, but I’ll need to go back for 2 more appointments for the full effect.  After the procedure, my skin felt like an actual popsicle.  I definitely do not recommend you try touching it with your own hand until you’ve thawed as it was pretty frightening!  Your nurses will massage the treated areas – let them finish and leave well alone!

Stem-Hydro Skinbooster/ IPL Photofacial – MVP Plastic Surgery

“Stem-Hydro Skinbooster Injections are a brand new approach to nourishing your skin, especially designed to deliver deep skin hydration. This means increasing hydration levels within the skin to deliver lasting moisturisation and improvements on the skin’s surface. Stem-Hydro Skinbooster involves multiple injections of a scientifically customized blend of hyaluronic acid (HA), Stem Cell, collagenstimulating vitamins, injected into the layer of skin just below the surface using a very fine needle.” – MVP Plastic Surgery

Seoul Korea Botox Fillers Eunogo MH Clinic Ruby Plastic Surgery MVP Clinic VIP Plastic Surgery Whoo Spa Sinsa Facial
Photo: Robert Evans

For this treatment and the accompanying IPL they actually had me under sedation.  That was terrifying to come out of.  If you can avoid it, definitely opt for the pain/ numbing cream instead of going under.  I woke up crying and then had some incredibly weird dreams.  I really didn’t notice much of a difference until now.  It’s been about 2 months (my treatment was and I was July 8th) told that I would see results 2 – 3 months after treatment.  All of a sudden this weekend I noticed glowy skin, and my friends did too!  I’m wondering if it’s this treatment, the use of some of my favourite new products (post coming soon!), or a combination.  Either way, my skin is softer than ever…and even a little shiny!

Refresh Care Facial and Massage – Whoo Spa c/o Eastasy 

Aroma Resfresh Care package (100 minutes).  This package includes a basic facial accompanied by an aromatherapy body massage.  The facial was anything but basic!  It started with a soft, peeling cleansing.  Then, was followed by an exfoliating, deep cleansing, bubbling facial.  I got a face slimming massage, too, which included a decolletage massage.  While this wasn’t cosmetic or plastic surgery, it was definitely an advanced facial that those considering a lift, botox, or fraxel could try first.

Botox (Crows’ Feet & V-Line) – Ruby Plastic Surgery c/o Eunogo

My experience at Ruby Plastic Surgery in the Sinsa area of Seoul, Korea was organized by Eunogo.  Eunogo has 60 clinics and medical spas in Seoul.  They offer 2 kinds of services: Concierge Service for Plastic Surgery and Eunogo Shops.  Eunogo Shops enables a client to book trendy medical spa facials and treatments, while the concierge service is more comprehensive.  There are over 1,800 plastic surgery clinics in Korea.  Eunogo partners with a clinic based on rigorous testing pertaining to Safety, Expertise (they work with specialized clinics only.  You won’t be going to a clinic for rhinoplasty if they specialize in breast augmentation, for example), Convenience (location, facility, and language support), and Patient Satisfaction.  Eunogo and the clinics also offer a 1-year guarantee for all services.

Seoul Korea Botox Fillers Eunogo MH Clinic Ruby Plastic Surgery MVP Clinic VIP Plastic Surgery Whoo Spa Sinsa Facial
Photo: Robert Evans


My experience at Ruby Plastic Surgery was very quick and easy.  Dr. Hu had a very gentle, professional demeanor.  He would give me and the other Korean Beauty Blogger quick notices by waiting a couple of 1-2 beats then on 3 he’d say “pain” and insert the needle.  I’ve never had an experience whether it be taking an IV, having blood drawn, or getting botox that was so easy and painless!  I would definitely recommend getting your botox injections or fillers (lip or facial) by Dr. Hu at Ruby Plastic Surgery.

Seoul Korea Breast Implants Modiva Botox Fillers Eunogo MH Clinic Ruby Plastic Surgery MVP Clinic VIP Plastic Surgery Whoo Spa Sinsa Facial

What’s Next for this Korean Beauty Blogger?

Being open to trying out new procedures (especially ones with needles LOL) has enabled me to become a trusted source for expats and medical tourists in Korea.  I probably would have never tried any sort of botox or filler before coming to Korea (or had it not been in partnership), but I’m so glad I did.  Looking in the mirror and feeling like an old lady at 28 was a horrible feeling.  Now that I’m officially 30, I think I’ll definitely be investing in my botox upkeep once I move back to Toronto in 6 months.  By then I’ll no longer be an accidental Korean Beauty Blogger, but I do hope to continue to bring you the latest and greatest technology and advancements in Skin Care and Cosmetic Surgery wherever I end up.  What next?  Well, look to my Korean Beauty Blogger pals @SkinfullofSeoul and @OhMyGloss above for a hint!

Britney in my Seoul – Oops, I did it again…

Britney Spears in Seoul, South Korea

Saturday June 10th Britney Spears played a show in Korea.  She was actually in Tokyo when I went with Co-P, but we didn’t go to the show.  We actually began the break up process at Haneda Airport, but that’s a story for another time.  Oops…I did it again.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d see her live, and I certainly didn’t think it’d be in Korea of all places!  Even cooler?  With G Dragon playing a show and Ultra Music Festival this weekend we got our KRW 99,000 tickets (just over $100 Canadian) upgraded TWICE.  I was sent to 3 different windows and had to wait a long time while they got their act together, but I walked away with VVIP tickets which had a value closer to $400 Canadian…each!  I got all gussied up with fabulous fellow blogger “A Fat Girl’s Food Guide“.  We had all kinds of laughs I really needed outside the venue, and went inside just before the show.

Britney Spears in Seoul Korea


There was no opening act.  Britney got straight into it and didn’t stop for an hour and a half.  She was strictly business, purely professional, and an enchanting entertainer.  The fan favourites were all a blur, fading into one another in a medley that got me in the zone!  Last night was a reminder that if Britney can make it through 2007, I can make it through the day, too.  When you breakdown you can go further into the madness or take the opportunity to rebuild.  There’s a blessing and a beauty in the breakdown.  Others may have torn you down, but only you can truly rebuild from the wreckage.

Fat Girl Food Guide Toronto Seoulcialite That Girl Cartier Britney Spears Seoul Korea


The past year has not exactly been my easiest.  I came to Korea to give myself a break from a stressful job and a toxic work environment.  After a healthy, comfortable, calm year in Busan, I decided to take on the capital city: Seoul.  I was right back in a difficult work environment with longer hours and less time to dedicate to fitness and finding friends.  Sprinkle in a couple of dating disasters and Itaewon drama, and voila!  You’ve got yourself a pretty shit sundae.  It’s getting tougher and tougher to pick myself up.  I truly believe that you should take as many lessons as you can from a negative situation.  Reflecting on our actions, reactions, and the ones from the people around us is crucial to personal development.  While I often feel like I take one step forward and 3 steps back, I want to move forward and enter my 30’s with joy and energy.

Fat Girl Food Guide Toronto Seoulcialite That Girl Cartier Britney Spears Seoul Korea

Work, B*tch

On Mondays I aim to ease into the week.  I get to work with the youngest kids on Mondays.  While conversation is tougher, the cuddles tend to be plentiful.  My gym doesn’t open until 8 AM on Mondays, so I take it easy.  I talk to my parents on Skype every Monday and always look forward to our weekly ritual.  I’ve partnered with Sprout Seoul (Natural Healthy Whole Food Service in Korea), so I skipped out on my weekly meal prep in favour of flavour.  I’ll have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack or dessert free of over-processed ingredients, chemicals and additives.  I’ll be sharing pictures and honest thoughts on the menu here daily, too.  Last time I ordered from Sprout I was down 3 kg within days.  I’m thrilled to be on the 5 day plan.  If you order from Sprout Seoul, make sure to mention The Toronto Seoulcialite or That Girl Cartier to get a free snack!

…One More Time

I’ve read that we should start now rather than waiting for a special occasions. I say, take what you can get.  New Year’s Eve, a birthday, a new job, a break-up or even a Monday is an opportunity.  I’ve got a recent break-up, a birthday on the horizon (August 6th if you’re keeping track), and the Monday trap tomorrow.  I want to take these opportunities as spring boards to a better me.  As cheesy as it all sounds, a fresh start is exactly what I think I need.  With a new gym membership, Sprout Seoul, a little Restylane c/o Eunogo, some rad new friends, the love of more than a couple drag queens, and Britney in my Seoul, I’m Stronger.  Now get to work, b*tch!

Fat Girl Food Guide Toronto Seoulcialite That Girl Cartier Britney Spears Seoul Korea


Fill’er Up: Lip Fillers at MH Clinic, Seoul with Eunogo

Seoul is the mecca of Korean beauty products.  There are tons of amazing cosmetics with boldly pigmented, long-lasting colours in adorable packaging.  In Korea you can find sheet masks with every bizarre essence or oil humans have dared apply to their skin.  Koreans are known to have exceptionally rigorous skin care regimes in the morning and before going to sleep.  Korea, and Sinsa in particular, is known to have the best plastic surgeons in the world.  Plastic surgery and cosmetic enhancements are as common as colonics have come to be in the West.  I was congratulated by my Korean colleagues the first time I got botox, so when Eunogo approached me about partnering I considered Lip Fillers.  

** Scroll all the way to the bottom for promo code + details! **

How Does Eunogo Work?

Eunogo is an award-winning medical tourism concierge service dedicated to foreigners in or traveling to Korea.  They are licensed by the Korea Ministry of Health, only work with the best certified doctors, and they personalize your experience at no extra cost.  Actually, you’ll often get services at a reduced rate as clinics open up to the foreigner market.  First, you’ll be assigned a personal co-ordinator responsible for handling any requests or questions you may have.  One-on-one consultations can take place with multi-lingual medical co-ordinators fluent in Korean, English, Mandarin, and Bahasa.  Your co-ordinator is responsible for pick-up arrangement to recovery care, and every detail in between.

That Girl Cartier Lip Fillers with Eunogo Medical Tourism Seoul Korea Lip Injections Review MH Clinic Apgujeong

Why Lip Fillers?

I’ve been asked a few times why I would ever consider getting lip fillers or lip injections in Seoul.  When I was 8 or 9 I was playing soccer and a wasp found its way into my juice.  I took a big gulp right as I was getting off of the field and the wasp stung my lip. Once I recovered from my fat lip, I noticed my right upper lip was a little droopy.  Looks like it had been depressed permanently.   

McDonald’s French Fry Lips

Years later, I was on a date and the guy thought it would be cute to ask me to kiss him with my “sweet little McDonald’s Frency fry lips”.  I nearly threw up right then and there.  Needless to say I didn’t see him again, but years later I can still hear his neg ringing in my ears.  I’m generally pretty secure in my looks, but feel I can always upgrade and refresh!  Turning 30 in August certainly makes me want to take care of myself more.  I’m tuning into ways I can feel happier and more confident.  Why not get this little lip filler issue fixed while living in the beauty capital of the world?

That Girl Cartier's Cosmetic Surgery Lip Fillers Review MH Clinic Review Eunogo Apgujeong Sinsa Seoul Korea Lip Injections

After Work Lip Fillers at MH Clinic (MH 크리닉) with Eunogo

There are a variety of different kinds of lip fillers and lip injections in Korea.  I went for the basic package as I didn’t want a full Kylie Jenner overboard look.  For more information on the types of lip fillers available with Eunogo, visit their site!

MH Clinic is located near ritzy Apgujeong Rodeo and situated directly above a Rolls Royce dealership.  When I arrived at the clinic, I was ushered in and invited to take a seat with my personal co-ordinator, Joy Kang.  Ms. Kang is the Co-Founder and CEO of Eunogo, and could not have made my experience more personal or relaxed.  When you’re about to get needles to your face, it’s nice to have someone who is very attentive, but also keeps her composure completely.  I felt at ease in her care.

Once we were settled, we filled out the paperwork together.  Joy made sure to go through each line-item thoroughly so that I understood everything and, more importantly, the Doctor would understand me.  Once the (fairly standard) paperwork was complete, we had a meeting with a very professional, friendly, and beautiful consultant at the clinic.  She actually held my hand once the procedure began!  We discussed the steps clearly and ensured that I was ready and a good candidate for lip fillers.

The images above are so that you can see some more natural lip filler “before” pictures.  As you can see, I had a pretty mixed bag of emotions as the preparations, procedure, and down time were explained!  

That Girl Cartier's Cosmetic Surgery Lip Fillers Review MH Clinic Review Eunogo Apgujeong Sinsa Seoul Korea Lip Injections
After the consultation, we went up to the 4th floor.  They removed my make-up and took some “before” pictures.  It’s nice to have some pictures directly before and after lip fillers, but the before pictures do look like mugshots! 
That Girl Cartier's Cosmetic Surgery Lip Fillers Review MH Clinic Review Eunogo Apgujeong Sinsa Seoul Korea Lip Injections
Before my lip fillers procedure I was also given 2 booster shots as I have sensitive skin with a sensitivity to metal.
The clinician applied numbing cream to my lips.  It had to sit covered in plastic for 30 minutes before we would be able to proceed.  My lips felt like they were bubbling (around the 30 minute mark I started to feel some heat).  It was really weird to have plastic wrap on my lips.  I wondered what I would do for the next 30 minutes when I was told I’d be getting a hydrating facial, as well.  Bonus!  Once that was applied, I actually fell asleep for a while.
While my Doctor spoke English, she wanted to convey everything very clearly in Korean to Joy, who then translated to me.  I understood some of what the staff were saying, but would have been helpless without Eunogo.  The Doctor explained that, for lips, the top to bottom ratio should be 1 to 1.5.  Mine were 1 to almost 2, so my “French Fry Lips” nickname may actually have been well-earned.
I had many thoughts before the procedure actually began.  The Doctor wanted to know if I had any celebrity aim-to-look-alikes.  I completely drew a blank and told her I wanted a natural enhancement.  I also didn’t want to my lip fillers look like Kylie Jenner or a Real Housewife after lip injections!
The actual procedure did hurt quite a bit eventually.  The first 3 needles were nothing – very easy.  The top hurt much more than the bottom.  I had a plush toy and someone to hold my hand.  I think I was more nervous than I needed to be in all honesty and it made the pain worse cause I was tense. Even though I got the basic lip fillers (1 cc of Restylane Vital – the smallest particle for lip fillers) there were still about 16 (maybe more) injections overall.
As you can see, the difference is pretty significant!  I think the results still appear natural, but my lower lip is a tad more plump.  My upper lips have the definition and fullness I wanted to achieve from lip fillers.  After the procedure I felt tired, my stomach hurt, and I wondered how it was possible for people to get this on their lunch break.  I took a taxi home and upon arrival couldn’t figure out if I was ravenous or nauseated.  I couldn’t eat or drink for 2 hours after my procedure, so I settled in for a little Rn’R.  The next morning I felt extremely tired.  I had some mild bruising which became more pronounced by evening.  They looked very even and smooth already even though they still felt a bit lumpy.  I felt kind of like I was a toddler or a puppy growing into these new lips.
That Girl Cartier's Cosmetic Surgery Lip Fillers Review MH Clinic Review Eunogo Apgujeong Sinsa Seoul Korea Lip Injections
Still bruised but now also a little chapped.  Guess my lips are healing from the injection points?
By day 3 my lips felt much more full in certain areas, but not unnaturally so.  My face appears thinner (to myself and others) post lip fillers.  The men at work asked if I did something to make my face “glowier”.  By day 4 I felt like I had fully recovered, save for a bit of dryness.  I like that my cupid’s bow is more even and defined.  My upper and lower lip now have a sense of symetry.  I can’t imagine anyone will refer to mine as “French Fry lips” ever again!

Contact Eunogo

#04-14 51 Cuppage Road, Singapore

408 Open Square D, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea  |  Tel: +65 8522 4529 (SG)  |  KakaoTalk: eunogo

Thanks so much again to Eunogo (@euno.go) and MH Clinic (@mhskin) for making me look as young as my maturity level!  While this article has been written in partnership, all reviews are honest and opinions are my own.
Lip Filler - Eunogo Shop


Get an additional US$10 OFF all lip filler programs (already discounted through Eunogo)!  In the Eunogo Shop, input : thatgirlcartier (limited to one use per customer, promo-code valid until August 31 2017 [purchase by August 31 but you can do the procedure after August 31]). Â